Specialised options

Customised moving floor or tipper? Choose ATRAC!

ATRAC is the specialist in customising STAS moving floors and tippers. With our specialised options, perfectly tailored to your specific needs, we turn your trailer into the ultimate travel companion.

Some examples of our options:

  • Stainless steel floor: increases the wear and impact resistance of the body;
  • Boltable trough: trouble-free transport of coils with your tipper;
  • Liner: extend the lifetime of the body and increase safety when unloading sticky loads;
  • Mounting a plate on the side protection: nicer look.

Can't immediately find the option you're looking for? No worries! We will be happy to discuss your specific requirements and look at the possibilities together.

Optimise your moving floor or tipper with ATRAC!

Ward Vervenne

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