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Privacy Policy

Agreement with the general terms and conditions

Please read the following conditions of use concerning the use of the website carefully.

We ask you to carefully read these General Terms and Conditions of Use before consulting or making any use whatsoever of our website. Access to this site www.atrac.be and/or its use implies the automatic and unrestricted acceptance of these general terms and conditions of use. If you do not agree with their contents, we ask you not to consult or use the website. This website "www.atrac.be" is operated by Atrac, Steenovenstraat 5, 8790 Waregem, BE 0439.305.575

Intellectual Property

All the material on the site is the intellectual property of Atrac. This material may not be copied or reproduced, except to the extent necessary to be able to read it online. Notwithstanding this limitation, you have the right, for your personal use, to print complete pages on paper. Accuracy of information: Atrac will endeavour to ensure that the content of this site is accurate and up-to-date, but accepts no liability whatsoever for any claims or damage that arise because you rely on the content of the site. Atrac reserves the right to change or suspend all or part of this site at any time, temporarily or permanently, without first informing the user.


All texts, comments, titles, photos, sounds, images, data, drawings, whether or not sound-animated sequences, videos, illustrations, ... reproduced on the site of Atrac as well as the concept, the form, the possible databases and (a part of) the software are owned by Atrac and/or used by Atrac under licence and are protected by the applicable legislation on copyright, related rights, database rights, intellectual property rights and sui generis rights. Atrac only permits the making of an electronic copy for private use of the whole or part of the site or its constituent parts, provided that the original is not changed and that the use of the site is in accordance with the legislation and regulations on this point.

Use of the site and its content

The user undertakes to use the information on this site in accordance with the provisions of these general terms and conditions of use and the legislation. In particular, it undertakes not to commit any unlawful acts on this site, which may adversely affect the rights and interests of third parties, which may damage the site, overload it, put it out of action, bring it into disrepute and/or cause it to crash. In addition, the user undertakes not to commit any act on this site, to make any statement or undertake any action that can tarnish the name and image of Atrac. It undertakes not to send any element or the content thereof from the site by email or in any other way that is unlawful, harmful, irresponsible, threatening, defamatory, intimidating, vulgar, obscene, racist, hateful or otherwise reprehensible. The user agrees to compensate Atrac, indemnify it, and, if necessary, defend it against all third-party claims and/or costs (including but not limited to reasonable lawyers’ fees and charges) arising out of the improper use of the website, the breach of the General Terms and Conditions of Use, or participation in another person's infringement of any intellectual property right owned by Atrac.

Privacy Statement

Confidential processing of personal data

Atrac attaches great importance to the privacy of its users. We understand that your trust is our most important capital. This privacy statement (hereafter referred to as the “Privacy Statement”) also applies to (i) our website http://www.atrac.be (hereafter referred to as the “Website”).

You can visit our site, obtain information about our services, and view blog posts without specifying your personal data.

If you do share personal data with us, we will treat it with confidentiality in compliance with the provisions below and national and international legal regulations.

Atrac wishes to emphasise that at all times it attempts to act in accordance with (i) the Belgian Privacy Law of 8 December 1992 for the protection of personal privacy with the processing of personal data.

This Privacy Statement includes information about the personal data that STA nv collects, as well as how Atrac uses and processes these personal data.

Please read this Privacy Statement together with the cookie policy of Atrac.

Categories of processed personal data

The data that you share with us can include personal data. “Personal data” is understood as all data about an identified or identifiable natural person (“the data subject”); considered as identifiable is a natural person who can be directly or indirectly identified, namely on the basis of an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or on the basis of one or more elements that characterise the physical, physiological, genetic, psychological, economic, cultural or social identity of the natural person.

Atrac can collect and process the following personal data:

  • Surname:
  • Forename:
  • Email address:
  • Telephone number:
  • Company name:
  • Correspondence data to and from Atrac

Atrac also automatically collects anonymous information concerning your use of the Website. Atrac will for example automatically log which parts of the Website you visit, which web browser you are using, which website you visited when you gained access to the Website, and your IP address. We cannot identify you on the basis of these data, but they do allow Atrac to create statistics concerning the use of the Website and send more targeted communication.

See the cookie policy for more information about this.

Purpose of the processing

If you share your personal data with us, they are included in our database with the purpose of:

  • Improving the quality of our services and information;
  • Informing you with tips and details about new developments in the IT world;
  • Informing you about the services we offer;
  • For statistical purposes;

Permission for processing

If you wish to leave your personal data on our website, you will be asked (by opt-in) if you want to give your permission for the processing of the data by Atrac. This permission will be given by ticking a box, which mentions that you give Atrac permission to process your personal data for the abovementioned purposes. You have the right to withdraw your permission at any time. Withdrawal of your permission will, however, not affect the legality of processing that took place before the withdrawal of your permission. Should you wish to withdraw your permission, you can do this by notifying Atrac using the email address: info@atrac.be

Making personal data available to third parties

Atrac will not share your personal data with third parties, unless this is required for the provision of services by Atrac and their optimisation (such as but not limited to maintenance work, processing payments and database management). If it is necessary for Atrac to share your personal data with third parties in this context, the third party concerned must use your personal data in accordance with the provisions of this Privacy Statement.

Without prejudice to the above, it is however possible that Atrac will share your personal data with the competent authority (i) when Atrac is compelled to do this on the basis of the law or within the context of legal or future legal proceedings and (ii) to protect and defend our rights.

In all other cases, Atrac will not sell, lease or pass your personal data to third parties unless it (i) has obtained your permission for this and (ii) has entered into a data processing agreement with the third party concerned which contains the necessary guarantees relating to confidentiality and privacy conformity of your personal data.

Storage of personal data

Unless a longer retention period is required or justified (i) by law or (ii) by compliance with another legal obligation, Atrac only retains your personal data for the period that is required for the achievement and completion of the objectives as described in the Privacy Statement under ‘use of personal data’.

Your rights

  • Right to information: When you wish to exercise your rights, or if you have questions concerning the processing of your data, please contact info@atrac.be;
  • Right to access: Users have the right to access the personal data about you that Atrac possesses;
  • Right to the correction, completion or updating of your personal data;
  • Right to erase your personal data;
  • Right to restrict the processing of your personal data: Under certain circumstances, you have the right to request Atrac restrict the processing of your personal data;
  • Right to transfer your personal data;
  • Right to object to the processing of your personal data: If you no longer wish to receive newsletters or information about our services, you can unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the “unsubscribe” button at the bottom of each email sent by Atrac.

Security of personal data

Atrac is committed to taking reasonable, physical, technological and organisational precautionary measures for the prevention of (i) unlawful access to your personal data, as well as (ii) loss, misuse or the changing of your personal data.

Atrac will save all personal data that it has collected in the cloud (with data centre(s) in the EU).

Cross-border processing of personal data

Atrac guarantees that no personal data will be transferred outside Europe or the European Economic Area (EEA).

Privacy Statement Update

Atrac can, at any time, change and update the Privacy Statement without prior notice by publishing a new version on the Website. For this reason, it is strongly advised to regularly check the Website and the relative page on which the Privacy Statement is displayed to be certain that you are familiar with any changes. The date of the most recent version is always updated and can be seen at the bottom of the Privacy Statement.

Other websites

The website can contain hyperlinks to other websites. Under no circumstances is Atrac responsible for the privacy policy or the privacy practices of any third party.

Questions and complaints

If you have any questions about the Privacy Statement or how Atrac collects, uses or processes your personal data, please contact us:

  • By email: info@atrac
  • By post: Steenovenstraat 5, 8790 Waregem
  • By telephone: +32 (0)56 62 75 57

If you have any complaints about how Atrac collects, uses and/or processes your personal data, you can submit a complaint to the Privacy Commission.

Privacy Statement version: 23/05/18

Cookie Policy

1. General

Atrac (hereafter referred to as “Atrac”, “we”) mainly uses cookies to record your surfing experience on http://www.atrac.be (hereafter referred to as the Website”). All data that Atrac collects from its cookies is anonymous and is only used to understand the customer experience on the Website with the purpose of improving the performance and usability of this Website.

Atrac is entitled to update this cookie policy by publishing a new version on the Website. It is therefore strongly advised to regularly check the Website and the relative page on which the cookie policy is displayed to be certain that you are familiar with any changes. As soon as a new cookie policy comes into effect you will again be asked for permission for the use of cookies.

2. What is a cookie?

A cookie, also known as an HTTP cookie, a web cookie or a browser cookie, is usually a small text file sent from a website and saved in the web browser or on the user’s appliance while a user is surfing a website or using a mobile application. When the user goes to the same website in the future, the data saved in the cookie can be collected by the website to inform the website of the user’s previous activity. Cookies were designed as a reliable mechanism for websites to remember the status of the website or the past activity of the user. They help us to optimise your visit to the Website, to remember technical choices (for example language choice, a newsletter, etc.) and to display more relevant services and offers. If you want to visit the Website, Atrac advises you to allow the cookies. But if you prefer not to do this you are always free to refuse them.

Cookies can remember: clicks on certain buttons, logging in or a recording of the pages visited by the user, and this even months or years ago. Although cookies cannot contain viruses and cannot install malware on the guest computer, tracking cookies and particularly third-party tracking cookies are often used as ways to compile long-term data on a browser history of individuals – a big privacy concern that was a cause for European and American lawmakers to take action in 2011. This cookie statement is in accordance with current Belgian law (Law of 10/07/2012 for the establishment of provisions concerning electronic communication, Belgian Official Journal 20/9/2012).

This Website uses different types of cookies:

• The strictly necessary cookies: As the name implies, these cookies are strictly necessary to enable you to surf the Website or use the Platform or certain functions which you have requested.

  • Cookies for functionality: These cookies improve the functionality of the Website by saving your preferences.
  • Tracking cookies: These cookies last longer than user sessions. When the Max-Age of a permanent cookie is set to one year, in that year the initial value included in the cookie will be sent back to the server each time the user visits the server. This is done to save essential information such as how the user first arrived on the Website. This is why they are also called tracking cookies. For example, when you have selected your required language, the Website will save your preference as a permanent cookie in your browser. When you visit the Website again, the Website will use the permanent cookie to ensure that the content is supplied in the language you selected.
  • Performance cookies: These cookies help to improve the performance of the Website and therefore provide a better user experience. Atrac makes use of Google Analytics, a popular web analysis service offered by Google Inc. Google Analytics uses cookies to help Atrac analyse how users use the Website. It registers the number of visitors and gives Atrac information about their general behaviour – such as the typical duration of a visit to the Website or the number of pages that a user views on average.
  • Third party cookies: To support its communication Atrac has put its content on social media channels such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, while Atrac also makes use of the sharing possibilities on social networks. The channels that Atrac uses can contain cookies from these websites and Atrac has no control over them. You must see the relevant websites of these third parties for more information about these cookies.

3. List of cookies the Website uses

The table below shows a summary of the cookies that Atrac may use and what data they save.

Google Analytics cookies

We use Google Analytics cookies to collect data about your sessions on our website. For more information about how these cookies work, please see Google’s cookie & privacy statement.

  • _GA
  • _GID
  • _UTMA
  • _UTMZ

Other website cookies

  • CraftSessionId: We use Craft CMS as our website system. Craft uses cookies which are necessary for the website to function properly. Please refer to the Craft CMS Cookie Policy for more information on these cookies.
  • Cookieconsent_status: This cookie keeps track of the status of the cookieconsent pop-up. Duration: This expires after 1 year.

4. Blocking cookies

A number of options are available to stop cookies from being saved. Please see the websites of the different browsers to learn how to block the saving of cookies. It is good to realise that when you decide to delete all your cookies you will very probably have to enter all your user names and passwords on all websites you visit again, while before you did not have to do this. As already mentioned, cookies can be a real benefit for your surfing experience on the web. If you would like to know more about cookies, please see the www.allaboutcookies.org website. This website provides more information about cookies, it explains in detail how you can remove the cookies you encounter, and it shows how you can allow trusted websites to save cookies on your computer.

5. Atrac contact details

Steenoverstraat 5,
8790 Waregem

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