We are on leave from 29/07/24-11/08/24 & 15/08/24-16/08/24.

Ik heb dit bericht gelezen

Discover the STAS trailers for the sugar beet campaign

Every year, around the third week of September, the sugar beet campaign starts in Belgium. This is the time to harvest sugar beets. In the following 3-4 months, the beets are harvested, transported to sugar refineries and processed into sugar products.

As usual, ATRAC goes on a Beet Campaign Tour every October. During this, we visit 3 hotspots - Tienen, Fontenoy & Longchamps - and pamper the drivers with a heartwarming snack and drink. This way, we get to know the drivers better and they can give us feedback on how they experience driving a STAS semi-trailer in the beet campaign.

See what it was like in 2022

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